Swim with dolphins - Links exchange
Here are some links to other websites and friends of the dolphins. Please have a look at them, you may find something interesting.
Travel and Fun Thailand Ltd
Oasis Sea world are in partnership with TAF Thailand LTD. TAF provide excellent customer service.

www.TravelAndFun.ch - Travel and Fun In Thailand!
Travel and Fun (TAF) is a local travel business under Swiss administration. Thomas Ruprecht organizes together with his wife Chaianid Ruprecht and local tour operators journeys in Chantaburi, a wonderful region of Thailand. You book the flight and TAF takes care for the rest locally.
From Chantaburi we offer you inexpensive holiday packages and tours, so that your vacation in Thailand will be memorable and you will get to know the beautiful region and the people who live in it. Through individual support and exclusive leisure time facilities. You can also put together your individual holiday program.
Chantaburi lies in the southeast of Thailand. No matter if you would like to spend some days in Bangkok with shopping or enjoy the rural remoteness. Chantaburi is the ideal place of departure for this. And if one is tired of the hectic activity in the tourist metropolis you will find peace and recreation on one of the white sand beaches of Chantaburi who are still extensively undiscovered. Space and relaxation for you and your family.
Swim with dolphins Thailand in other languages
Translate swimwithdolphinsthailand.com to all these languages using Google Translate. Please excuse us if there are grammatical errors in the automatic translation.
Dutch - zwem met dolfijnen Thailand
Thai Language - ว่ายน้ำกับโลมาในประเทศไทย
German - Schwimmen mit Delphinen Thailand
French - bain avec des dauphins Thaïlande
Italian - nuotata con i delfini Tailandia
Spanish - nadada con los delfínes Tailandia
Portuguese - nadada com golfinhos Tailândia
Greek - κολυμπήστε με τα δελφίνια Ταϊλάνδη
Russian - заплыв с дельфинами Таиландом
All about Laem Sing beach, Chanthaburi Thailand

www.laemsing.com - All about Laem Sing, Chanthaburi
Laem Sing, Chanthaburi is seeing more and more interesting people arriving each year. See www.laemsing.com for the latest.
On the website you can see all about what there is to do around Laem Sing Chanthaburi, and you can even write a travellers report about your adventures here.
Visit Angkor Wat From Thailand

www.angkorwatthailand.com - All about Angkor Wat and travel from Thailand.
If you are on holiday in Thailand then it may be of interest to you to take this 5 day trip by express minibus to Angkor Wat, Siam Reap, Cambodia.